Wednesday 9 March 2011


A gadget is a small technological object (such as a device or an appliance) that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are invariably considered to be more unusually or cleverly designed than normal technological objects at the time of their invention.

             Origin of the name of the gadget is contained in the dictionary Oxfard Ingeris the 19th century. since hominids began creating tools to make their lives easier.People always created devices and appliances with specific practical purposes that in the beginning. 

              In the days of smooth, the names of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and Leonardo da Vinci, among others, have in common is the view of the future. They understand that a lifetime spent playing with what other people are seen as toys and tools does not make sense will ultimately result in much needed technology. Of that group only a small, basic electricity, communications, film, and the airline was laid for their devices, which obviously has more than novelty value. 

              Perhaps one of the earliest, most well known gadgets created is the wheel, many millennia ago. Take a ride in your car and Standard and Poor Revolutionary Witness how truly became a gadget and how much we now Rely on it for transportation. A more recent gadget, the Apple iPhone, appears to be the beginning stages of yet another gadget-turned-necessity That will reshape communications. 

              "The iPhone may someday be looked upon as the device That started a second revolution in computing. Desktop computing was the first revolution. Hand-Held Computing will someday be regarded as the second revolution, and the iPhone is the product That started it." -Richard Thalheimer,
               Today, the term has gained widespread currency in a variety of industries and activities. It can refer to tools and toys as diverse as "Smartphones", GPS navigation devices, key finders, USB toys, and radio controlled cars.

This are example of gadget:-


Camera DSLR.....



husna said...

ok wat?
aku nk bli la...
ko nk jual bpe?